The Legacy of Celebration
" No other day of the year brings so many peoples from different cultural backgrounds together in such a vibrant spirit of brother and sisterhood ," writes Coretta Scott King regarding the meaning of the holiday that we celebrate on the third Monday of January each year since 1986. And ultimately, that is what today is about: celebrating the legacy of Dr. King and all of Civil Rights' heroes both big and small. Today we celebrate the individuals who faced and endured all means of harassment, discrimination, racism, and in many cases pure unadulterated evil in order "To Form a More Perfect Union" as enumerated in our constitution. This more perfect Union, according to Dr. King, is a nation that chooses to fight against racism, inequality and fight for the creation of a Beloved Community . This fight however, is not over and people continue to face and fight injustice in all of its forms across the globe, and the United States. ...