
Showing posts from November, 2017

Responding to #MeToo in the Educational Environment and elsewhere

Before you turn away because this message will be political, I promise it won't be. Don't believe me? Keep reading, and I'll prove you wrong. Since the beginning of October, the subject of the news has largely surrounded the #MeToo Movement and has begun a discussion of sexual assault and harassment in this county.  Everyday Americans see prominent figures being accused of the most disturbing of crimes.  So how do we take the lessons of this movement and apply them to society, before the movement is long forgotten and press coverage has moved on? More importantly, how can we ensure that the lessons of the movement are not only learned by those in power now but by younger generations so that we can attempt to more effectively fight this issue for the long-term future. I think the answer to that last question is by addressing the issue within the educational environment, by talking to students in pre-school through post-secondary school and giving them the skills to not o

What even is Human Trafficking Anyways?

Most days I feel as if most things go straight over my head and I have a hard time understanding and even carrying out a cohesive, intelligent conversation on some of the most pressing issues our world is facing today.  On those days I desperately wish I had someone next to to give me a quick low down on what we were talking about, the pros and cons, the different positions, the facts; but a lot of times that person that I really need isn't there.  If that's you and you're ever feeling that way about Human Trafficking here (in a blog post) is your Human Trafficking Lesson 101-- information to get you started on a long journey to understanding this large and complex global issue, that is ever evolving and changing. The United Nations  defines Human Trafficking as,  " the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power o